Jumpoe (160x120)


Titel: "Jumpoe"
Size: 160x120 cm
Year: 2024
Included: Oiled oak frame
Mediums used: Acrylic, oilpastel, oilsticks, old/dry paint, water, spraypaint and sand

(This painting is a diptych to the piece "Hangoe" but can be purchased separately)

For price or purchase, please email us at kontakt@byjakobjuul.dk or complete the form below.

Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul
Jumpoe (160x120) - Jakob Juul

Inquire about price or purchase

Fill out the form below for pricing, purchases, or other inquiries about "Jumpoe (160x120)".

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